
Don't worry, we got your back
Originally uploaded by Esther17.
Alright folks, here she is, little Miss Lydia, born at 1:51 in the a.m., on Nov. 22nd, and as cute as ever. The red marks on her face are called 'stork bites,' which will go away in time, as will the redness across her eyes (due to the umbilical cord being wrapped around her eyes at one point). She has already shown inklings of her strong personality, which include one heck of a wail, and the eating voracity of a pro football linebacker.
I'm apologizing in advance for the baby photo madness that may or may not ensue here, but I do have a few other utterly adorable photos to show y'all. Have a good Turkey Day, whether you're celebrating or not.
I miss y'all, and will be back soon. Promise!
Aww. :::kiss:::
Scroll down to "The Wanderer." There is a resemblance ;-)
Tami, that's what my sister, Yvonne, said. Then again, we said she looks exactly like her when she was born. lol
Held her for about two hours today, as she slept. An absolutely wonderful 120 minutes. :)
Btw, thanks. :-)
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