
note to self:

Please try not to sneeze while eating. thanks. ~E


Overheard at the bowling alley today:

Girlfriend of Male Dweeb #2 (who was away getting a pitcher of beer):
"John, let's go get some Mad Dog and cigarettes."

Male Dweeb #1 (bowling in the lane next to me):
"We don't have enough for that."

"Yeah, sure we do."

MD#1 (reacting to his throw):
"Did you see that?"


My mother always told me to never talk to strangers.

My mother always told me to never talk to strangers.
Originally uploaded by Esther17.

Think I gotta go buy some more black eyeliner.

Check out the inspiration for this here.


Use 'Beer Tongs' brand beer tongs.... (on Vimeo)

Use 'Beer Tongs' brand beer tongs.... on Vimeo

Cadavers! Now why didn't I think of that?

purple reign

purple reign
Originally uploaded by Esther17.

The color that always makes me smile.


caught in the act!

caught in the act!
Originally uploaded by Esther17.

Yep, I've completely lost my marbles.


that's hail, baby! (on Vimeo)

that's hail, baby! on Vimeo

We got a little bit of rain yesterday.



"This was a screw up."

Gee, ya think? In yet another genius move, AOL voluntarily released search data of about 650,000 of their users.

On a side note, check out the heartwarming story of how AOL also refused to close the account of a dead man.


I'm 37

...not 21, so I really need to remember to drink more water during the evening, and take an Advil before bed, when I go out dancing and drinking, and stay out until way ass late.


Issue #905
on and on
Arrested Development: Season 1
Tootsie Fruit Rolls