
#!@*!$% SPAM!

Sorry, folks, but thanks to a rising tide of comment spam, I've had to enable word verification for comments. Since I'm under the mercy of Blogger, and don't have the HTML skiznilz to come up with better way of doing things, this is the way it's going to be for awhile.

As Monty Python so succinctly put it: "I DON'T LIKE SPAM!"



Originally uploaded by Esther17.



"Dude, why didn't my college sell this at the poster sale?"

David "Hassel to the Hoff" gets Snarked. And it is so good.



Originally uploaded by diastema.

Tara (aka diastema) easily has one of the best photostreams on Flickr, not to mention being one of the coolest people I've never met.

This whimsical beauty of a shot will be one of many that I will feature here, I'm sure. Put aside a couple of hours, and check out her fantabulous and hilarious toys set.

Bring snacks. And bacon. And Cosmos. And share with me.

Random Question of the Week

Does anybody ever really finish those tubes of conditioner that come in a box of hair color?


is it just me?

Sometimes I think that many men would prefer a swift kick in the balls, than to sit down and actually communicate with a woman.

I'd join a convent, already, but I don't think I could handle wearing the same thing every day. Plus, I love bacon and beer too much.


Hairdos gone wild!

what if
Originally uploaded by Esther17.

A Clairol meme for anyone with some time on their hands. And by some, I mean lots.


hello, yellow brick road

hello, yellow brick road
Originally uploaded by Esther17.

The red Keds in their element...


teh pancakes!

teh pancakes!
Originally uploaded by whatnot.

Ari posted this glorious, mutant-sized pancake photo that could not be denied. I'm still in awe.

Oh, Fraaaan!


grin and bagel it

grin and bagel it
Originally uploaded by Esther17.

Even when all I have in the freezer is pizza bagels, I'm still glad that I have them.

Still hitting the grocery store tomorrow, though. ;-)




sparklers: the musical (on Vimeo)

If this doesn't put a smile on your face, I don't know what will.

sparklers: the musical on Vimeo


red white and blue

red white and blue
Originally uploaded by emdot.

In case you haven't noticed, I've yet to blog anyone else's photos but mine around here. Even if you aren't bored with that, I sure am. So, in the interest of making things, well, more interesting, I will begin showing off the pictures and people that make my world a much better place to be.

Starting off with this gem of a summertime photo by emdot (aka Marya), which makes me want to kick back with a frosty beverage and chat for hours about everything with my buds.

rambling thoughts on a still Saturday

Well, looks like today is going to be a nice, lazy Saturday. Quiet one, too. All my friends are busy with one thing or another, so it'll just be me, myself, and moi today. The skies outside are beautiful, with whiter-than-white, ginormous, floofy,(yeah, I'm making up my own words) clouds, with just a hint of rainstorms in the future. Of course, I know that because the only venture outside today has been to drop off the rent check. I've been glued to my computer, and sucked into Flickr, back-tracking through photostreams of some of my contacts. It'd be sweet fun to be hanging out with some of them today. My list of folks I really want to visit keeps growing on daily basis.

Ah well, such is life. Nothing's on the agenda for the rest of the day, and I don't mind one bit. I am going to try and pry myself away here soon, and join the three-dimensional world. Hope your day goes in unexpectedly pleasant directions.

Issue #905
on and on
Arrested Development: Season 1
Tootsie Fruit Rolls