Moosepant wearers of the world, unite!

Sprinkles and Chocolate
Originally uploaded by Esther17.
Today is the fabulous Davezilla's birthday! Dave, you are all things awesome, and the only man I know who can pull off wearing a banana hat, and look thoroughly stylish while doing so.
Have a great one, sweets!
P.S. Hope you don't mind the old cupcake pic. I just didn't have time to bake that 7-layer chocolate fudge fondant cake like I'd planned.
Mmm. Cupcakes. I'll bring the hats and the party-blowers!
Wait, that didn't sound right...
Bow chicka bow, bowww! ;-)
How did I miss that you had a blog? Lovely cupcake. Please save me one.
Here's a monogrammed hankie for you, Fran. I believe there is a law, but I'm a rebel, y'know.
Toni, I didn't advertise, really, but I'm glad you found it. Here, have another cupcake. :)
Hi Esther I am from Germany worse: Bavaria.We have sooo much simularities plea allow me to mail to you.I want a little talk-not more. Yours Uli ( ;-)
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