
The latest and greatest in customer service

Dave's recent post about annoying the drive-thru clerk reminded me of my recent visit to McDonald's over the past weekend.

Mind you, I had decided to go inside, since the drive-thru was packed, but nonetheless, I was not disappointed.

The exchange went as such:

Many Cards Short of a Deck Cashier (MCSOADC): "Can I help who's next?"
Me: "Yes, I'd like a Quarter Pounder, no cheese, and a medium fry. To go, please."
MCSOADC: (Presses several buttons on register) "Did you want the meal?"
Me: "No, thanks. Just the sandwich and the fries" (I had already picked up a vat of Dr. Pepper at the Circle K)
MCSOADC: (Presses buttons, pauses, presses more buttons) "Did you want cheese on that?"
Me: "No."
MCSOADC: (Looks at me, presses buttons, pauses to look slightly confused, presses more buttons) "So, that's one Quarter Pounder, no cheese. Anything else to go with that?"
Me: "Did you get the medium fry?"
MCSOADC: (Pauses, presses an unmentionable amount of buttons, which I think at this point, the hamsters in the wheel keeled over)
"Is that for here or to go?"


Blogger Esther said...

Bizarro land is a good name for it.

They got the order right, which was a miracle, considering I usually end up having to take it back, due to the cheese factor, or it just being the wrong sandwich altogether.

If it wasn't for the fact that I occasionally get a major hankering for the saltiness that is their fries, I'd never go there. lol

2/21/2006 1:54 PM  

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